After discussions with the Vynamic team about how to develop an app that incentivized organic bonds between longtime and new employees, I created a mobile app concept based on the idea of orbits and gravity. As you get to know your coworkers better, they move into a closer orbit to you. Initial ideas included awarding points for attending company events, or just snapping a selfie with your coworkers while out for a beer.
![Vynamic App Design](../assets/img/vynamic/vynamic-app.jpg)
In further revisions and feedback from the Vynamic team, the app was simplified to award points through different quiz games.
![Vynamic User Flow](../assets/img/vynamic/vynamic-user-flow.jpg)
Due to unsurety in the evolving feature set the app wasn't pursued past the wireframe phase. I still believe in the general concept, and that with further exploration and more consideration to how points are awarded, the app could achieve its original goal and encourage employees in a large company to create stronger bonds.
![Vynamic User Flow](../assets/img/vynamic/vynamic-prototype-recording-v2.gif)